
[SS/HP]A Troubled Boy BY Little Needle(译者:2003339529) (点击:586次)

[SS/HP]A Troubled Boy BY Little Needle(译者:2003339529)







Title: A Troubled Boy (01/04)
Author name: Little Needle
Author email: antineedle@hotmail.com
Category: Slash
Sub Category: AU, angst
Rating: Hard R, overall
Summary: In 1940's muggle England Professor Snape takes a boy called Harry into his home when his widowed Aunt Petunia can no longer care for him. Skirts, kisses, soda shops, love, tea and cakes and tragedy occur.
Warnings: shota-con
Disclaimer: Harry Potter, Severus Snape and all associated characters from the Harry Potter universe are the property of J.K. Rowling. The author of this fic and the website maintainers are making no profit by this story or any of the site's contents.
Notes: Professor Snape is patterned directly after Jeremy Irons' performance as Humbert Humbert in the 1997 Adrien Lyne adaption of Vladimir Nabokov's 'Lolita'. I make no appologies. My Harry is patterned after a boy I loved as a child called Christopher Fair. And the skirt is inspired by the dreaded uniform I had to endure durring my time at the Academy. This is the original idea to the HPCFC challenge Jade masterfully crafted into 'Cherry'.
Dedication: For Annika Twist: my best friend and muse in all things. And to Jade for her genius with my original challenge.
Source URL: http://glassesreflect.net/hother17/troubledboy.html

If Snape/Harry slash isn't your cup of tea, or if you are underage, please leave now.

A Troubled Boy, by Little Needle
Chapter One: A Troubled Boy




哈利那善辩的小舌头,常从那甜腻而黏稠的口腔中探出来一舔,然后像那淌流的宝红色糖蜜一般淌滴,在那孩子禁忌的、奶白色的肌肤上留下对比强烈的痕跡。那闷热的下午,我著迷的看著他,看著他专注地用舌尖搜集著每滴零落的痕跡;温暖的指间;那细小而菱角分明 ...

  • lychee 录入币 +2 谢谢一直以来的发文,录入币补上 2009-4-13 20:36

